Donnybrook Rugby Stadium Greenway Part 8: Dublin City Council



This is a proposal by Dublin City Council to construct a section (450 m) of Dodder Greenway along previously undisturbed riverbank habitat between Donnybrook Bridge and Herbert Park at back of the Rugby Stadium. It’s being done now, in advance of the overall Greenway, so it can be incorporated into the flood defences in this location.

Dodder Action supports introducing a Greenway section here as part of our ‘Preferred Greenway’, a wildlife, heritage and educational amenity resource for Dublin, and a tourist attraction. By this we mean a Greenway that adapts to the river and its existing character as a designated Conservation Area. There is no point in gaining Greenway access to the amenity of the Dodder if it results in the loss of that amenity.


Current riverbank

This image shows the river bank before floodworks commenced


Riverbank proposal by Dublin City Council, including greenway

Our Main Concerns and Remedies outlined in DA Submission:

 No restoration of habitat and character of riverbank: Conditions proposed to ensure restoration


Proposed flood wall location, loss of amenity and character, visual obtrusion: Proposed redesign of floodwall


Cantilever Section as a roadway on a concrete platform: Proposed boardwalk design, open railings


Reliance on proposal as a ‘stand-alone’ Greenway route:  Proposed supplementary Greenway route