Become a Dodder Action Member

We are a 100% volunteer staffed charity. All your membership fees and donations go directly to supporting our education and conservation initiatives.  

Annual membership for individuals is just ten euro and entitles you to a free copy of Down the Dodder in eBook format.

Lifetime membership for individuals is just fifty euro, entitling you to a free copy of Down the Dodder in eBook format and lifetime invitations to our member-only events.

Corporate membership is just 50 euro for your company or organisation. We will work with you to provide a CSR programme for your employees. Join today or email us for more information, using the contact form

Your privacy is important to us. Any data and/or personal information you provide to us is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation. You can read more on our privacy policy here.

Dodder Action Lifetime Membership

Become a lifetime member of Dodder Action and help support the River Dodder's wildlife and ecology. 

All members receive a copy of Christopher Moriarty's "Down the Dodder" ebook (in PDF format) and are always invited to exclusive, member-only events in addition to receiving updates on our ongoing Dodder Action activities.  






If you prefer to make a donation, your support is greatly appreciated! 


Thank you for your support!

Your generosity is much appreciated.