2017 to date with Dodder Action: activities, future plans and AGM update... and how you can join in.

Victoria White, Richard Good and John Lacy, talking at our Annual General Meeting about Dodder Action's 2017 and looking forward to 2018's activities

Victoria White, Richard Good and John Lacy, talking at our Annual General Meeting about Dodder Action's 2017 and looking forward to 2018's activities

Dodder Action's Annual General Meeting saw a great turnout from supporters, members and other community organisations determined to protect the River Dodder and its surrounds. The event took place in Milltown Parish Hall last Thursday evening, November 16th.  

Victoria White, Chair of Dodder Action, spoke of our events, educational programmes and clean-ups organised through 2017 and Richard Good updated us on the Dodder Greenway plan.

Just some of 2017's Dodder Action events and activities include:

  • Dodder Monsters - The art competition for local schools

  • One Dodder Day photo competition

  • Otter Spotting Walk

  • The Dodder Gathering, at the Hive, Herbert Park

  • Submissions for the Dodder Greenway Plan, to ensure the river and its wildlife are protected and conserved. 

  • Monthly community clean ups along the River Dodder

  • Our Education Programme, highlighting the wildlife and ecology of the River Dodder to primary school children.

For more information, click here to visit our homepage and check out our Autumn 2017 Newsletter. 

If you would like to join in our community of dedicated conservationists, it cost just 10 euro per year for membership.

All members receive a copy of "Down the Dodder", an eBook about the natural and cultural heritage of the River Dodder.

You will be added to our mailing list and get invitations to Dodder Action's forthcoming events and activities. 

Just click here to join Dodder Action today! 


Victoria White